Google Book Search results for 'Orpheus' • More...
Orpheus in Middle Ages • ... Orpheus shunned women for three years after the death of his wife , and loved young boys instead . 21 21 Eighth and finally , the fate of Orpheus after death befitted his life as a musician . The story is beautifully told by Phanocles .
Mag ik Orpheus zijn? • ... Orpheus liet spelen door het 'lyrisch ik'. Het verhaal van Orpheus en Eurydice kent immers maar één relevant personage, Orpheus zelf, en die is niet belangrijk omdat hij mannelijk is, maar omdat hij de menselijke ervaring ...
A Study of the Orphic Movement • ... Orpheus must be later than Homer , which gave Herodotus his belief that Orpheus himself was later , without leading him to the even more critical conclusion that the ancient Thracian had nothing to do with them at all . Orpheus was the ...
The Persistence of a Myth in Twentieth-century Art • ... Orpheus's music . Hepworth's Orpheus , shaped like the instrument of Apollo , quite likely constitutes an attempt , at least unconsciously , at satisfaction of the artist's ego ideal . These sculptures seem almost a symbolic tribute to ...
Handel as Orpheus • ... Orpheus cantata . The known homosexual history of some of Handel's patrons , his setting of the Nero text in Hamburg ( and its possible relation to Gian Gastone ) , and the connotations of the Orpheus legend itself necessarily raise ...
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