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60 document(en) met "Our+Brief+Eternity" • Resultaten 41 tot 60 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • 
Although 1 am a very political person my approach is not exclusively political: my main focus is the relevance of a work - how it is relevant for our time, for the development of the dance/performance

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout, Bojana Cvejić • The Mapping
My main focus is the relevance of a work - how it is relevant for our time, for the development of the dance/performance discipline or for society ... From this perspective it is possible...Having a large house like HAU1 sometimes orients programmation towards those productions which justify our possession of all three spaces

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Elke Van Campenhout • KUNST/WERK: Een zoektoch naar synergieën tussen kunst...
musicfollows an elegant gram-mar, a set ofconventions thatguide and challenge our imagination,.. That's jamming

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Ive Stevenheydens • Venetië versus Istanbul, wie heeft de grootste?
bijvoorbeeld online 'Our Mission is to establish and maintain a world class contemporary visual art event in Liverpool that celebrates and encourages excellence, risk, creativity, diversity, participation

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
Which is powerful, perhaps too powerful, makes you do stupid things, though sometimes it seems it’s all we’ve got and therefore we must work with it and do our best within the constraints...Then our daughter grew up and turned into a rather morbid child and later into an equally morbid adult...way it is and that is the way it should always be, not because it is good but because through the painful process of differentiating ourselves from our parents we more fully become who

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
don't just mean that we are guilty of complicity with any other aspect of the audiovisual world, but that all of our "I's" are fraternizing with the multiple "they's" fashioned in the never-never land

Nr. 101, April 2006 • our
our (Rosas creatie 2006) D'un soir un J Teresa BHE» ' ^ De Munt ' l7,l8,I9,20&2lmei2006,20u00 de Munt I Kazushi Ono 0702339 39

Nr. 101, April 2006 • 5U3H3D3D 31U333U 1533UI 30 UDDfl 3B'1U3S1U mmm...
im i.ix i x iu xu 1111 our iim s v «tins / (ian 1) ooxy ivh ivvm (rut 0) :rii:ii\)i i.i is six is ni.i 11111 oauvx oaxo.ioi vsi / (nu s) o/nou hum y i 'iivi.i 11 900Z/S0/TZ - 900Z/S0/S0 'I'ft

Nr. 101, April 2006 • Sarah Vanagt • De manifesto's van Walter Benjamin en filmpioniers...
alone stand as a competitor to Our Lady of Lourdes, as far as miracles are concerned...', schreef Sergei Eisenstein in een brief aan Painlevé

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Stef Lernous • Raffael Pascoe: auteurschap in de pornocinematografie
exactly the sort of thing our audience demands and who are we to deny the consumers’ needs...’ ////////////////////// SCèNE 6 ////////////////////// Footage van een korte Channel...She gave her life for that...the screaming...the sobbing... Yeah, sure it was convincing, she was the greatest actress of our time... fuck you, there are no limits to art... and certainly no moral

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Volkmar Sigusch • Neoseksualiteiten
16 Sigusch, V., Die Transsexuellen und unser nosomorpher Blick [Transsexuals and our Nosomorphic View], Z Sexualforschung, 1991;4:225-256, 309-43

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Pieter T'Jonck • Mist Spuiten
Within Blur, vision is put out of focus so that our dependence on vision can become the focus of the pavilion...our visually obsessed, high resolution/high definition culture, blur is equated with loss... Our proposal has little to do with the mechanics of the eye, but rather the immersive potential of blur...immersive environment in which the world is put out of focus so that our visual dependency can be put into focus

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • BAVO • Pleidooi voor een oncreatieve stad
place is the key economic and social organising unit of our time

Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Kristien Van den Brande • Ondergaan van ruimte
they remind me that even in our most seemingly individual obsessions we respond to uniform patterns

Nr. 107, Juni 2007 • Daniëlle de Regt • Zeg het met kinderen
De dagen dat wij Neil Postman moesten napapegaaien over de ver- derfelijke invloed van de flikkerkast op kind en gezin (de boektitels The Disappearance of Childhood en Amusing Our- selves to Death

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Lieve Dierckx • De zerk van ons verlangen
Dan is er de soundscape die aan het verhaal nog een laag van tijd toevoegt: ‘Shall we make our wishes at the same time so we don’t have to listen to each other

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Anne Dekerk, Maarten Soete • 6 Sound Questions
john cage ‘Our musical alphabet is poor and illogical...Ik ga akkoord met de uitspraak van Marshall McLuhan: ‘We are the genitals of our our music to feel three-dimensional

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Daniëlle de Regt • Toen was geluid nog heel gewoon
thousand different noises, not merely in a simply imitative way, but to combine them according to our imagination

Nr. 109, December 2007 • Jeroen Peeters • ‘Wij’ zeggen, een extreme oefening
Do we aim for a precise unison or can we take freedom in our gestures

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
away from me with his eyes closed and then finally he opened his eyes and turned them toward me and our eyes met and we just looked at each other xxx i think it’s about that time too that she stood up

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