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69 document(en) met "The+Only+Possible+City" • Resultaten 41 tot 60 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten

Nr. 89, December 2003 • De kunst van het overleven: Jochen Rollers...
Zangeres en actrice Ethel Waters beweerde ooit over haar verleden als shimmy-danseres: 'I never shimmied vulgarly hut only to express myself

Nr. 89, December 2003 • Jeroen Peeters • Containers als choreografisch medium: Notities bij het...
de blik van de ander en allerhande media en prothesen die de plaats van die onmogelijke blik op zichzelf innemen (bewakingscamera's, een glazen wand,...). In Visitors Only wordt die tendens verder...etcetera 89 ® ® ® 47 Visitors Only meg stuart/damaged goods foto Chris van der Buight Fictie: tijd om in te pluggen In Visitors Only staan het...De uitnodiging van Visitors Only aan de toeschouwer is dan ook niet anders dan deze: in te pluggen in een netwerk van containers, om uiteindelijk zichzelf te bespoken

Nr. 91, April 2004 • An van Dienderen • Collectiviteit in beeld: Het productieproces van The...
products which comply with this norm have not only invaded the world but have also imposed their rules on most of the centers of audiovisual production across the planet attempting to master the same

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Mummy mummy Where did you go My...
Men gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered

Nr. 92, Juni 2004 • Katleen Van Langendonck • 'De essentie van verleiden is transformatie': Geslacht,...
gave women their power Because they created new life (...) This divine fact gave women the right to rule Men were only thinking about having sex all day (...) They discovered that having

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Valse liefde zonder gif
Visitors Only bepaalde een vaak loodzware sound-scape van Paul Lemp en Bo Wiget dreigend de dans van deze personages; Forgeries... beschikt met een subtielere live-begeleiding van Hahn Rowe over een...Maar in deze voorstelling zet ze eerder een stap terug dan vooruit, komt haar waarmerk veel minder krachtig tot uiting etcetera 93 OOO 2|J dan in Visitors Only, of in het...Visitors Only waren dat voor mij de pijnlijk lange, hevige rondedansjes die dansers twee aan twee uitvoerden in de verschillende kamers van de doorsnede van het levensgrote huis, in Forgeries

Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • De Escapist van de apocalypsgerieratie: De wondere...
only thought you knew what you were until you read this book

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
Confronted with the dog-performer Bemd, who only barked in answer to their questions, the police put the following progression of questions to Lilia, the accompanying secretary of the Minister

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Patricia Portela • Flatland
only use me to reason about information, but you also want to make me look like you without allowing me to be you! letters (...) All communication between the readers of an image...everything I read to everything I have. This way, I would arrive, by an empirical process of comparison and elimination, to a list of empirical elements that would only exist in Spaceland and this way find

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Pieter T'Jonck • Theater als showbusiness: De ondraaglijke lichtheid van...
only want you to look nice', deelt het scherm tegelijk mee

Nr. 95, Februari 2005 • 
personally for example like expressions such as 'open source','hybrid movements','multitude'(however only as much as I like 'magic mushrooms' in order to describe an extraordinary and widely spreading...activity without the one and only control system behind). If I dare to use words like :'direct','with an attitude/statement','deutliche privatmarotten', 'work that leaves space for an audience','work...respects an audience and its wide abilities', 'distance' I can only fail and at the same time try to start a discussion

Nr. 96, April 2005 • Bruno Pocheron • Reactive(s)
film might lead to, I could only read "my own story" into the performance, my own interpretation, and thus let the performance trick me into my own indulgence...Ik beëindig deze brief met een uitspraak van Brian Massumi, die helemaal op het einde van Parables for the virtual schrijft: 'There is only one general principle in ethics: no process line has the God

Nr. 99, December 2005 • Fin Novembre • Journal: A l'œil nu #4 Leuven
Quentin Tarantino, Kill Bill 2 «... because I know that time is always time and place is always and only place

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Erwin Jans • Who’s afraid of representation?
damned shame that people only remember the scandals in art and forget the critique we were trying to impart, forget art history and art from the perspectives of social class, feminism, gender...’ Is dit een

Nr. 100, Februari 2006 • Jacob Wren • Families are formed through copulation / Families...
think of it now I know that that’s not the only reason she committed suicide and I know it wasn’t even my idea to hitch-hike, it was hers...Did we think it was a good thing to speak to our only child with such utter and nihilistic bluntness...allowed her to differentiate herself from us so that when she leaves it won’t be like a piece of us is breaking off but rather like a next-door neighbour is moving a little way down the street, perhaps only

Nr. 101, April 2006 • An van Dienderen • Afkicken van representatie
possible, then the ethnographer's role dissolves into that of an honest broker passing on the substance of things with only the most trivial of transaction costs...Ruiz 1995: 14). '... the criteria according to which most of the characters in today's movies behave are drawn from one particular culture (that of the USA). In this culture, it is not only...Different ways of thinking deny the direct causal connection between a decision and the conflict which may result from it; they also deny that physical or verbal collision is the only possible form of conflict

Nr. 101, April 2006 • Sarah Vanagt • De manifesto's van Walter Benjamin en filmpioniers...
am kino-eye, am mechanical eye, I, a machine, show you the world as only I can see it.' (vertov, manifesto of the beginning, 1922) Man with a Movie Camera kijkt naar Moskou vanop hoge

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Shelly Silver • Shelly Silver
He’s wearing only socks and underwear

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Jan Ritsema • Portret van een dooie kip als kunstenaar
they could know that art always should be the exception and not the rule) they only subsided the rule the what they could recognize as a performance his building they said was a project

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Ina Wudtke(dj T-Ina Darling) • The Residency
Being number only one to be chosen to be gone means a lot to me, fuck the envy and the rumours, hey I gonna fullfill my plan write the scripts, shoot the pix draw a 100.000 flix working, working

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