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92 document(en) met "The Body" • Resultaten 81 tot 92 worden getoond

Nr. 101, April 2006 • 
living and dead), it demands submitting body and desire to dis-ciplining regimes (anatomical, dietary, gender, racial), allfor the perfect fulfilment of a trans-cendental and preordained set of steps, postures...Presence of the Body...ReMembering the Body, Ostfildern-Ruit (D), 2000, pp

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Jeroen Peeters • Verzwijgt de danser dat hij spreekt?
seems to be that it’s not just a memory space, sound is also an intrusion of an alien that is off stage: audible but not visible, whereas the body is visible, not audible

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Stef Lernous • Raffael Pascoe: auteurschap in de pornocinematografie
rare VD dislodges the womb from the body, by developing an acidic secretion by which the womb “eats” its way out through the genitourinary system

Nr. 103, September 2006 • Anne Dekerk • Porno-drama: scènes voor pornografie
stood by the girl filling-station attendant at the rear of the car, jocularly talking to her about her body

Nr. 106, April 2007 • Elke Van Campenhout • Tussen transgressie & banaliteit: de valkuilen van...
om zich te engageren in een hedendaagse kunst-dialoog, in body art en conceptuele principes

Nr. 107, Juni 2007 • Rudi Laermans • Het kunstwerk als performatief netwerk
terminal we view the body as a container through which signals or “presences” can travel...They enter and leave the body

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Lieve Dierckx • De zerk van ons verlangen
ReMembering the Body

Nr. 108, September 2007 • Anne Dekerk • pre|cursor, over invocationele media
Migone brings the body up into words, a somatic jag, as communicable glitch, 'where communication breaks to communicate its incommunicability

Nr. 109, December 2007 • Jeroen Peeters • ‘Wij’ zeggen, een extreme oefening
Do we propose the autonomous world of an outlandish future social body

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
moment of looking, and just sensing this possibility, a little bit wondering what could happen or if there would be some progress in any direction.. some body would do something, people in the room were...internal energy moving vigorously, i could feel my body temperature was rising, i was sweating a bit

Nr. 112, Juni 2008 • Ive Stevenheydens • De vibe van een nieuw begin
Bloeiproces In die optiek omschrijft de criticus Ishii Tatsuro in zijn lezing ‘Extension of Butoh and Emergence of Contemporary Dance: The Body in Dance in Japan Today’ op een razend

Nr. 113, September 2008 • Karel Vanhaesebrouck, Ivo Kuyl, Johan Thielemans • Boek, DVD
Hét referentiepunt voor zowat alle bijdragen in dit boek is The Body Emblazoned...Dissection and the human body in Renaissance culture van Jonathan Sawday

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