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8 document(en) met "Coming Together"

Nr. 46, Januari 1994 • (advertentie)
russes-repertoire Gent, 3 en 4/1/95 Compania Nacional de Danza Duende - Coming Together - Tabulae De top van de Spaanse dans Antwerpen 1 en 2/2 en Gent, 8 en 9/2 Lyon

Nr. 69, Januari 1999 • Rudi Laermans • Achter de schermen van het ballet
Onder de titel Coming Together to Make a Ballet beschrijft Wulff in goed vier bladzijden het werken aan Sleepers Guts in de herfst van 1996

Nr. 71, Maart 2000 • Myriam Van Imschoot • De zien-tuiglijkheid van de herinnering
De inmiddels legendarische performance Meat Joy van Carole Schneemann kan wel als summum gezien worden van deze coïtale coming together

Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Judith Wambacq • Alles en niets
de woorden van Jan Ritsema: ‘The more the connection between the two realities coming together is distant and close, the stronger the image will be.’ Dit heeft tot gevolg dat het duidelijke

Nr. 94, December 2004 • Elke Van Campenhout • Salzburg lied to us
over actie Elena Kovylina, opgetekend door Coran) - It's about a bunch of artists coming together and performing actions in town

Nr. 104, December 2006 • Jan Ritsema • Portret van een dooie kip als kunstenaar
site and to direct themselves and to direct it themselves so they did a coming and going of friends and colleagues and friends and colleagues of friends discussing their work discussing proposals of work working...working together a platform of exchange of merging of the smoothest way to produce and gain knowledge of experiencing and training of invention a performance a strange performance a permanence He

Nr. 106, April 2007 • Sally De Kunst • Kimchi & cappuccino
How the world is coming together.3 Geboren in Togo of Zweden, gestudeerd in Cambridge of Berkely en nu een blitse carrière die je afwisselend naar Parijs, Tokio of New York voert...How the world is coming together, True Agency, Los Angeles & New York, 2004

Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
She had a very wet but very firm hand holding my one hand xxx we sat there together, she kept holding my hand and smiling into my face and & I smiled into her face, & I smiled into her I was trying not to cry but these tears were coming in my eyes and there was just this moment that I was lost and now there was no time and I was just here, I was just here with him...might have been going through, so just to let him know that i was ok with everything i put my hand on his shoulder and we breathed together x there was music playing and so i felt like dancing

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