21 document(en) met "Experience" • Resultaten 1 tot 20 worden getoond • Toon volgende resultaten
Nr. 18, Juni 1987 • Frank Peeters • Theater maken in de tegenstroom
Gemeten aan menselijke moraliteit is Dionysos een ambigu personage: 'The poet [= Euripides] has neither belittled the joyful release of vitality which Dionysiac experience brings nor softened
Nr. 44, Februari 1994 • Bruno Koninckx • Triptiek van de waanzin
Laing schreef boeken als The Politics of Experience, boeken die handelden over wat het betekende om gek te zijn in een maatschappij die zelf waanzinnig was
Nr. 54, Februari 1996 • Pieter T'Jonck • Peter Brook en de materialiteit van Becketts...
Winnie's time experience incomprehensible transport from one inextricable present to the next, those past unremembered, those to come inconceivable
Nr. 58, December 1996 • Herman Asselberghs • Theatrical Correctness
my concern for you, I try to share the benefits of my experience and my observations, but am rewarded by being called madman
Nr. 63, Maart 1998 • Günther Samson, Jan Van Looy • Shakespeares Globe
was a truly illuminating and uplifting experience
Nr. 67, Maart 1999 • Jan Goossens • Nieuw leven voor eeuwenoude vormen
checked in each man's own present experience
Nr. 79, December 2001 • Stefanie Wenner • Het spook van de toeschouwer of de...
Verspreid over de duur van het ganse evenement vonden vier tweedaagse workshops plaats, te beginnen met de workshop Illegal experience, geleid door Kattrin Deuffert en mezelf
Nr. 82, Juni 2002 • Gert Verschraegen • De wereldmedia en de grenzen van het...
were not sufficient violence or invasion of individual rights, the elimination of the physical bodies of the electric media users also deprives them of the means of relating the program experience...Everybody at a football game is a nobody simply by virtue of the fact of their deep involvement in an experience simultaneously shared by many others...structural fact, and when considered in relation to our wired planet, where everybody is involved in everybody’s experience, this is the overwhelming backlash of reduction to nonentity – the creation
Nr. 86, April 2003 • Thomas Crombez, Jozefien Daelemans, Bruno Herzeele • De seksuologie als vrouwelijke wetenschap: annie sprinkle's...
Maybe there's a little porn star in you. Maybe not. Bat I can teil you from a wliole lot of experience tliat there's a lot of
you in every porn star
Nr. 88, September 2003 • Annie Declerck • In memoriam Joseph Chaikin (1935-2003)
ask questions, and in response we experience a dynainic silen-ce
Nr. 89, December 2003 • Elke Van Campenhout • Het ontbreken als focus: Spectra van de...
zoals Michael Fried het verwoordde: 'the li-
teralist preoccupation with time-more precisely, with the duration of the experience - is, I suggest, paradigmatically theatrical
Nr. 93, Januari 2004 • Myriam Van Imschoot • He says space, she thinks time
Nr. 94, December 2004 • Brian Holmes • Reverse Imagineering
Alexander Kluge, Oscar Negt, Public Sphere and Experience, University of Minnesota Press, 1993; 1st ed
Nr. 99, December 2005 • Maaike Bleeker • Moet theater de wereld redden?: Over We...
Imagine just one long-stretched time experience...Toch blijkt stress vooral de kop op te steken in de 'longstretched time experience' bij afwezigheid van gevechtshandelingen
Nr. 99, December 2005 • Ive Stevenheydens • Venetië versus Istanbul, wie heeft de grootste?
Zowel "The Experience of Art' (bedacht door Maria de Corral) als 'Always a Little Further' (van de hand van Rosa Martinez) blonken uit door herkauwde middelmatigheid en het weinig geïnspireerde...Zowel 'The Experience of Art' als 'Always a Little Further' plaatsten werken naast elkaar, zonder daarbij op het ontstaan van verbanden/ inhoud(en)/lezing(en) te doelen
Nr. 105, Februari 2007 • Pieter T'Jonck • Mist Spuiten
liep als volgt: ‘The experience of the cloud figures the unimaginable magnitude, speed and reach of telecommunications...Unlike entering a building, the experience of entering this habitable medium in which orientation is lost and time is suspended is like a suspension in ‘ether’. It is a perfect context...experience of another all-pervading, yet infinitely elastic, massless medium, one for the transmission and propagation of information: the Internet
Nr. 109, December 2007 • Bojana Cvejić • We hebben geen geld, dus moeten we...
Latour, Bruno, What is Given in Experience
Nr. 110, Februari 2008 • Pieter De Buysser, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Bram... • Minnelijke voorwerpen
could receive this love at some point it seemed that the experience was completely real but it wasn’t entirely, because it was within a formal setting and there was some sort of convention between me...performer so in this sense it couldn’t be real but in the same time every other love experience outside somehow seemed to also rest in these conventions
Nr. 113, September 2008 • Jeroen Peeters, Christophe Van Gerrewey, Anoek Nuyens,... • Kroniek
LiLia mestRe
‘How much myth do we build into our experience of time...Such capacity to experience what should not belong to experience proper should not be confused with any sort of hysteria or histrionics...How much myth do we build into our experience of time
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