2 document(en) met "American Ballet Studio Company"

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
French-speaking Belgium however, the Ballet de Wallonie was wound up and replaced by Charleroi/Danses under the artistic direction of Fréderic Flamand from Plan K. Charleroi/Danses is officially...Charleroi/Danses also maintains its own dance company which mostly performs Flamand's own work, a peculiar form of techno-baroque for which he invariably succeeds to seduce many leading artists...Inspired by the example of MUDRA, she worked with the National Opera to set up the Performing Arts Research & Training Studio (PARTS) in 1995

Helder werk in het halfduister: De dansers... • 17 februari 2006
van Koninklijk Ballet van Vlaanderen Pieter T'Jonck Na het...imposante Impressing the Czar neemt het Koninklijk Ballet van Vlaanderen met de compilatievoorstelling Dynamic Dances wat gas terug...Revelry van Robert Hill, gecreëerd voor de American Ballet Studio Company, is een bedrieglijk eenvoudig, kort duet op conventionele orkestrale muziek van de Amerikaan Lowell Liebermann