2 document(en) met "American Meg Stuart"

De kijker, de acteur, het stuk, de... • 1 juni 2000
Its function was to bring order and human comfort into a situation which had previously been an undifferentiated mess, and for this reason it is so deeply involved with the American mythology...Het is net die onvastheid die Meg Stuart in Highway 101 op een treffende, ongemakkelijke wijze zichtbaar maakt door een cultureel 'high brow'-publiek neer te ploffen in Centre Beaubourg in een...Net zo min verheldert, in een andere scène, een geëmotioneerd praatje van Stuart zelf iets over haar gedachten

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
American Meg Stuart moved to Brussels in the early 1990s, after pioneering performances such as Disfigure Study and No longer ready-made, the government's wait-and-see approach lasted so long that she...Now, the tone is set by artists such as Jérôme Bel, Boris Charmatz, Xavier Leroy, Thomas Plischke, Vincent Dunoyer and, of course, Meg Stuart, who is an important bridge between the two generations...words of Meg Stuart: "This is the hottest place in Brussels". Outside Brussels, Dans in Kortrijk is also taking up the challenge with its programme Dans@Tack, which aims to take everyday ideas