2 document(en) met "I have no thoughts, and this is one of them"
Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as...
• 1 november 1997
result of this was a very complexly composed piece, unravelled into countless motifs of movement and sound, which in one stroke mapped out the whole ten-year gap between the two works...place many vague feelings and indefinable thoughts are deposited like a sediment, only to turn up again, sometimes at unexpected moments, such as when there are strong emotions...Without wasting words on it, 'it unnoticeably mixes silent motivations and conceals them in the clearness of the thoughts (B. Verschaffel).'
and Webs
In the course of the nineties
• 14 maart 2007
Met de prachtige paradox 'I have no thoughts, and this is one of them' opent het gelijknamige stuk van Tine Van Aerschot