Google Book Search results for 'Jonny spielt auf' • More...
New York Magazine • ... Jonny spielt auf (436631). Although they have little in common, by Nazi standards both works were definitely "entartet." Even heard in today's climate, Heliane sounds overripe if not downright decadent, a three-hour redemption fantasy ...
Arnold Schönberg en de Zeitoper • ... Jonny spielt auf te overbeklemtonen . Afgezien nog van het feit immers dat Křenek niet inziet waarom het gebruik van hedendaagse attributen in een hedendaagse context überhaupt eigenaardig , laat staan komisch zou zijn , en afgezien ook ...
The Danger of Music and Other Anti-Utopian Essays • ... Jonny spielt auf (Johnny Goes to Town), the fabled “jazz opera” by Ernst Krenek, which was first performed in Leipzig on February 10. The other, vastly dissimilar, is Das Wunder der Heliane (Heliane's Miracle), the most ambitious of ...
Jewish Immigrants in the Hollywood Melting Pot • ... Jonny spielt auf into a Jewish star . Krenek was not half Jew- ish , as the Nazis claimed ; even so , the poster displayed the widely held view , in both Europe and the United States , by opponents and sup- porters of the new music ...
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