This website was developed by SARMA and Thomas Crombez (Theatre Studies, University of Antwerp).
Editorial Credits
SARMA Editor: Jeroen Peeters
Editorial support: Bart Magnus
Development & design: Thomas Crombez / Letterwerk
Financial support
Kaaitheater, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie
Special thanks
Maarten Staepels, Willem Jan Wellens, Christoffel Eisenik
Technical Credits
All documents in this Corpus were coded according to the TEI P5 Guidelines . Thanks to Ron Van den Branden and Edward Vanhoutte of CTB, the Centre for Scholarly Editing and Document Studies (Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie).
The TEI XML source files were parsed and converted into web pages using Python, SQLite, and lxml.
This website aims to link the documents in the collection by means of Natural Language Processing. All texts were parsed with MBSP (Memory Based Shallow Parser), developed at the Universities of Antwerp (CNTS) and Tilburg (ILK).
MBSP retrieved the Named Entities from the documents, which are displayed in the sidebar. Thanks to Kim Luyckx, Vincent Van Asch, and Walter Daelemans for their gentle help.