3 document(en) met "Dance for Life"

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
dance that passes from the expressive, through classically-tinted, to elegiac, dance that dies away a pace at a time...body that gives unity to what we call 'I': that strange amalgam of diverse and often contradictory memories, perceptions and longings that crop up in the course of a life, and which without that body...seen an ever increasing structural complexity in the work of Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker, and a great expansion of the number of 'words' in her dance language

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker • 1 januari 2002
Her alteration between pure, almost mathematical dance compositions and more expressionist, theatrical works is a process of illuminating the same basic material in different ways: through...presents the simple truth that human physicality makes a meaningful whole of the different stages of life - the past is always contained in the present...thematic thread running through a number of her productions, which look at the relationship between language, music and dance, is the tension between maintaining an independent concept of character

op komst podium • 20 januari 2005
Inlichtingen: 02/218.21.07 of www.halles.be Dance for Life Koninklijk Circus Brussel 'Dance for life' is een jaarlijkse benefietavond in het Koninklijk Circus ten voordele van aids