2 document(en) met "International Theatre School Festival"

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
organisations which, from the outset, had supported and presented the work of young Belgian choreographers, extended and reinforced their international networks...result, more and more international work was performed in Belgium...These evening-length performances, where dancers and artists of every description meet and perform spontaneously, were conceived in 1995 during the Klapstuk Festival

Op komst Podiumkunsten • 1 juli 2004
Nieuw dit jaar is het zogenaamde 'Off-Festival' in de Rijselstraat en Bruggestraat...21 juli vanaf 18u in Lauwe 056/51.58.91 www.straattheater.be Dans op school Tot einde deze week loopt in Brussel het eerste International Theatre School Festival...Aan het festival nemen niet alleen theaterscholen deel, maar ook dansopleidingen