2 document(en) met "La structure"

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
But in later years, a second motif appeared, the spiral which is explicitly thematized for the first time in 'Amor Constante, mas allà de la muerte...addition to this, from the moment Rosas became the resident dance Company at La Monnaie opera house, earlier pieces were reintroduced into their repertoire, and were thereby safeguarded against...true that this builds on the sometimes rebellious, sometimes over-melancholic passions of the works of the eighties, but the original rawness has made way for a much more complex and richer structure

Vingt ans de Rosas • 1 januari 2001
époque, elle n'avait pas encore atteint la complexité d'une structure symphonique...Danseurs de chair et de sang Ce qui a touché le public et la presse, à l'époque, dans Fase, c'était la maniere dont la structure claire et staccato de la danse conférait un impact subtil aux...La structure encore rigide de la représentation semble ici, étrangement, constituer un moyen de faire apparaître l'individualité des danseuses