5 document(en) met "The WHOLE"

Een lichaam is een lichaam is een... • 1 januari 1983
movement vocabulary was lyrical, it was like the music, it was inspired by classicism, the whole dance was about being confronted with tradition

Bij S/M/L/XL: het interieur zonder eigenschappen als... • 1 januari 1997
wezenskenmerk van die houding is. De geheime agenda ervan is: 'The WHOLE and the REAL', het centrale begrip uit het centrale essay van het boek, 'Bigness'. De werkwijze daarentegen is allerminst geheim...Waar we ook kijken, fragmentatie, virtualiteit, onbeslisbaarheid... En de eigenlijke vraag waar het om begonnen was, 'The Whole and the Real' - m?t hoofdletters, modernistische versie, omschrijving

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
turbulence of the body, an all-embracing movement that leaves the central point like a wave rippling out, past the dancers into the whole space, as if it wanted to stimulate the rise of an invisible spiral there...result of this was a very complexly composed piece, unravelled into countless motifs of movement and sound, which in one stroke mapped out the whole ten-year gap between the two works

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
has developed into a point of reference for the whole of Europe

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker • 1 januari 2002
seem 'typically De Keersmaeker', on the whole it is not the similarities but the differences that stand out in her oeuvre...presents the simple truth that human physicality makes a meaningful whole of the different stages of life - the past is always contained in the present