2 document(en) met "Think of One"

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
Spirals… On this point one can also imagine the true import of the image of the spiral: In contrast to the expansive force flying out from the middle point seen in Rosas' first pieces...risk of a too forceful interpretation, one can even interpret the movement in the early nineties as being along the same lines as the music of the great classical composers such as Bach, Mozart...result of this was a very complexly composed piece, unravelled into countless motifs of movement and sound, which in one stroke mapped out the whole ten-year gap between the two works

Als politiek commentaar mislukt "Kasimir en Karoline" • 29 juni 1999
Een spektakel dat sterk geïnspireerd werd door circus-voorstellingen, voortgestuwd door de live-muziek van het uitstekende ensemble Think of One, doet bijna onwillekeurig terugdenken aan de hoogdagen