4 document(en) met "Well See"

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
difficult to see, in this movement from a virtual mid-point, a metaphor for the work of an author of movement like de Keersmaeker...nineties we see this image turn up again, as well as the practice linked to it, and without disclaiming the earlier work, it aims for a story that establishes unity...film that precedes the performance, we see de Keersmaeker herself running and dancing through a wood

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
De Keersmaeker herself stated with obvious pleasure that the students from 'her' school did so well in the mega-audition that she herself selected three from among the huge turnout...four examples of choreography that appeared around the advent of summer 1998 were not exactly earth-shattering or unprecedented, but the practised eye could see that, despite the odd shaky moment...Schellekens and he teamed up in making I Want to See You...to Be Seen in Black and White

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
came to ballet as well as contemporary dance, at that time Brussels and Belgium were simply non-existent in the European context...American Meg Stuart moved to Brussels in the early 1990s, after pioneering performances such as Disfigure Study and No longer ready-made, the government's wait-and-see approach lasted so long that she

Terug naar af • 6 januari 2002
het kader van P-A-R-C-O-U-R-S staat dinsdag 22 en woensdag 23 januari daar alweer een nieuwe voorstelling in de steigers: Well see van Alkyonis, het gezelschap opgericht door oud Parts-studenten...Well see onderzoekt de relatie tussen het subject en de kijker, in het bijzonder de wisselwerking tussen mediale beelden van mensen en onze eigen gedragingen