9 document(en) met "way"

Een lichaam is een lichaam is een... • 1 januari 1983
think of it as classical, because of the structure of it and the way in which I moved

Peter Brook en de materialiteit van Becketts... • 1 februari 1996
way of speaking of the human condition) depends on honesty, and it mustn't be clouded over by holy wishes

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
about the body in an almost unnoticeable way: that we are growing older, that feelings and emotions never appear to us in the same way again, and that we can look at and enjoy the image of others is a different...true that this builds on the sometimes rebellious, sometimes over-melancholic passions of the works of the eighties, but the original rawness has made way for a much more complex and richer structure...shows in a different way how she remains engaged in describing her own world and allowing it to grow, no longer solely on the basis of the possibilities of her own body, but through the work

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
make their way in the world armed with little more than an idea and perhaps a good sales pitch...During their final year, the female students dedicated the bulk of their efforts to dance, and presently all are in search, in one way or another, of companies to join for a time

De kijker, de acteur, het stuk, de... • 1 juni 2000
Welk model was daarvoor beter toepasbaar dan de Amerikaanse 'way of life', die massaal zichtbaar werd in de import van Amerikaanse films

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
Dancers made of flesh and blood What struck the press and the public about Fase at the time, was the way in which the clear staccato structure of the dance gave the simple movements...abusing' them, she manages to reveal emotions in an oppressing way, without directly showing them...shape of the stage — an ellipse, a circle with two focal points - illustrates this in a symbolical way

Spelen met gebouwen: Een sluimerend reservoir • 1 maart 2003
glaspartijen ook al eens als spiegel of als 'one-way-mirror' te gebruiken

Merce Cunningham tekent voor pragmatische dansrevolutie: ANALYSE... • 19 januari 2005
Cunningham programma 2: 'Pond Way' (1998), 'Views on Stage' (2004), 'Fluid Canvas' (2002) op vr 21 en za 22 jan om 20u

Het raadsel van de dans: Eleanor Bauer... • 21 mei 2008
Ze demonstreren al zingend hoe je een hand geeft 'the way they do in Harlem'. Een blanke versie van zwarte soul, zoiets