7 document(en) met "No More"

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
richer and more complex in structure, more aloof and circumspect, but also more virtuoso...also, and this seems to me no coincidence, an image that refers implicitly to other 'great stories' about the evolution of man, the world and nature, and which vaguely refer to classicistic thinking...Constante' and 'Woud' more distant and virtuoso than the infectiously direct character of 'Fase' or 'Rosas danst Rosas'. But anyone who watches carefully will notice that this greater clarity is only an appearance

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
remarkable phenomenon observed among the first generation was that female students made no attempt to create choreography during their final year, opting instead to contribute to the efforts...make their way in the world armed with little more than an idea and perhaps a good sales pitch...More ambitious projects are also planned: should they succeed in constructing a new auditorium in the complex in Forest, Rosas will have a production facility that allows it to support the work

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
comes as no surprise therefore that she was recently asked to usher in Belgium's Presidency of the European Union with Drumming at De Munt...But the movements are no longer purely abstract...even after twenty years, it looks as if there is plenty more to come... Rosas twentieth anniversary is being extensively celebrated

Bartok als 'Funky Chinese Opera' • 5 december 2001
Porno en het vrouwenlichaam Na 14 tiny pictures, no more no less gaat de Amerikaanse choreografe Jennifer Lacey met $Shot verder met haar analyse van de manipulatie door de media en de mannelijke

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
result, more and more international work was performed in Belgium...More importantly, young choreographers at the school formed an intellectual artistic network, that survived their schooldays, if only because many students stayed in Brussels after completing their...same time, many young choreographers were seeking inspiration from the more radical conceptual experiments of this avant-garde

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker • 1 januari 2002
Das war zum Beispiel der Fall bei "Small Hands (Out Of The Lie Of No)", einem Duett, das De Keersmaeker mit Cynthia Loemij tanzte...Her alteration between pure, almost mathematical dance compositions and more expressionist, theatrical works is a process of illuminating the same basic material in different ways: through

Een spelletje Abu Ghraib in deSingel: Caden... • 27 februari 2007
de stukken die jullie hier al brachten, zoals Shelf Life, Flicker en House of No More hanteerden jullie het principe van 'real time film': jullie monteerden en projecteerden ter plekke beelden die