3 document(en) met "artists"

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
Artists from all disciplines gathered there and Flamand presented his first multimedia dance experiments in collaboration with artists such as Marin Kasimir...Charleroi/Danses also maintains its own dance company which mostly performs Flamand's own work, a peculiar form of techno-baroque for which he invariably succeeds to seduce many leading artists...These evening-length performances, where dancers and artists of every description meet and perform spontaneously, were conceived in 1995 during the Klapstuk Festival

'Neo-avant-garde blijft hardnekkig overleven': Danser en performer... • 11 februari 2004
gevolgd door 'Artists'-talk' is te zien op wo

Antwerpse dans in woord en beeld: Festival... • 7 oktober 2004
Beide huizen sloegen vorig jaar al eens de handen in elkaar voor Amperdans, een presentatie van hun 'artists in residence'. Dat festival wordt dit jaar, wegens succes, nog eens overgedaan