11 document(en) met "The very"

Steve Paxton in camera obscura • 3 mei 1985
En als je dit vergelijkt met pogingen van anderen in deze richting kan je enkel zeggen dat Paxton "very right in his work is." (PJT

Frank Vercruyssen op zoek naar houvast in... • 20 mei 1995
My grandmother told me that it once belonged to a king in Germany, but she was of course at the time very ill... It gives me a feeling of taking part in history...Toch tast twijfel ("she was very ill") ook deze greep naar een houvast aan

De temperamenten van Jan Fabre • 29 januari 1997
samenwerkten, onder de titel De vier temperamenten, in deze veelbelovende reeks bijt de Nederlandse danseres Renée Copraij (32) de spits af met The very seat of honour

Pak slaag uitgelokt maar niet gekregen • 5 februari 1997
very seat of honour" is niet gebouwd op de gebruikelijke spanning in Fabre-choreografiën tussen de strenge, onveranderlijke en onbuigzame wetten van het ballet en de eigen verschijning van de dansers...Een bijzonder detail, een fluwelen kussentje vlak boven haar achterwerk, dat onder de jurk wellicht haar rondingen moet doen uitkomen, vestigt nu de aandacht op het achterwerk -- "the very seat...very seat of honour". Productie Troubleyn i.s.m

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
What's more, this period of time has a very distinct presence...Longings… This doubling and unfolding of an 'initial image' is a very pure and clear demonstration of the way Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker's oeuvre has developed...work can be compared to a body, it should be with an ordinary, everyday body, which in itself is not, and does not do, anything spectacular, but at the same time is in this sense very special

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
Opportunities for performing are few and far between, particularly in Brussels, with its very high concentration of young dancers and choreographers

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
Although the dance does not illustrate Steve Reich's music, there is a very intimate bond between the two through the structural analogy between the musical composition and the choreographic writing...shown very clearly in a sequence where De Keersmaeker and Michèle-Anne De Mey initiate a movement in synchrony and then continue it with a very small and very gradual time difference...approach is very different from that of American minimalist choreographers such as Lucinda Childs

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
why from the very beginning prominent avant-garde choreographers (mainly from the USA) such as Paxton, Brown and Childs were invited to perform in Brussels and Leuven...Although his ecstatic form of aesthetics had had its heyday in the 1980s, in retrospect his presence has proved to be very important because of his MUDRA school for young choreographers...Remarkably, existing artistic platforms have been very slow to stimulate or provide an outlet for the enormous artistic potential in the capital

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker • 1 januari 2002
dancers of the Rosas ensemble are very much living beings who can often be seen watching their colleagues on stage from the wings

Aantekeningen van een dramaturg • 20 maart 2002
Tot het ook deze technisch verbluffende danseres te veel wordt: 'It's very difficult to keep upright', zucht ze tenslotte bij een pose

'Sociaal verantwoorde kunst is de dood van... • 29 maart 2004
Catching whales is very easy' is een verzameling van drie installaties/performances